So last night was my first night alone with the baby since we've had her. Dave had to go to Edmonton for the night for a work commitment and so I was left to fend for myself for the night.
I wasn't really worried about it going in. I take care of Isla all day while Dave is at work and we've both put the baby to bed on our own before while the other person was out for the evening so this wasn't really anything new to be on my own for the bedtime routine. As mentioned in my previous post, I also had a crusty day but I was looking forward to getting Isla to bed and then relaxing with a book before going to sleep.
Well, it looks like my run of bad luck wasn't quite done for the day. About 5 minutes after I put Isla down for the night the power went out. I wasn't really that concerned since the phones still worked so I just figured I would change my plan and talk to Dave for a bit on the phone before heading to bed. About 10 minutes after the power went, the phone lines went down as well, though. I felt like I was in an episode of Criminal Minds or something. Unfortunately for me, my cell battery was half dead and I get almost no reception in our house anyway so that ended my plan to talk on the phone.
In the end, the power was out almost 3 hours and so I started into the darkness for a while and then lit a couple of candles to read my book. Of course, when the power did finally come back on around 11:00 all the lights that I forgot were on earlier came blazing back on and scared the dickens out of me.
So my first night alone with the baby was a bit more of an adventure than I planned for. Let's hope the next time goes more smoothly.
Location: My house
Cost: My Criminal Minds experience was absolutely free courtesy of the rain storm
Gear for Isla: Well Isla was peacefully sleeping but I needed my cell phone, a flashlight, and some lit candles. When the power first went out, I also appreciated that we still had one of those old school phones that don't need electricity to run so I could have my 10 minute chat with Dave.
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
5 days ago
Ha-ha. My mind would go straight to some heinous crime mystery as well. I'd probably end up sleeping with a light on.