My good friend Rieanne over at Lucy's Soup Can ( a food blog about finding shortcuts in cooking while still having things taste good), has given me a Versatile Blogger award.
The guidelines for accepting this award require the recipient to (1) thank the person who gave it to you; (2) tell 7 things about yourself; and (3) pass the award on to bloggers who you have recently discovered and think are fantastic.
Thank-you to Rieanne for giving my blog a shout out and getting me a little more exposure in the blog world.
Now. 7 things about myself.
1. I'm a chemical engineer by profession and my least favourite subject in school was chemistry. I chose chemical engineering because I wanted to push myself and have a challenge. In the end, I'm really good at what I do so I guess it worked out.
2. Even though I work as an engineer I definitely don't fit into the typical engineer mold. My best subjects in university were languages and literature and I'm very into the arts. I feel that those traits are actually the things that make me most successful in my career.
3. I used to be a professional singer (mostly opera and classical music) and still like to dabble in musical theatre on the side when I can find the time.
4. Despite over a decade of practicing yoga, I still look like I just started a week ago. That's okay, though, I've learned to love my limitations.
5. I have a shellfish allergy that I didn't discover until I was in my early 20's because I lived in Saskatchewan (where we didn't have a lot of fresh seafood) and I was a picky eater.
6. I have Lupus, which is a little known about autoimmune disease where your body attacks certain organs thinking that they're a disease. For some people it can be quite severe but mine is well controlled with medication. I just found out that my favourite singer Rob Thomas wrote his latest single, Her Diamonds, about his wife's Lupus. I love him all the more now.
7. My favourite food is perogies. As a child I decided I was going to marry a giant perogy and take a bit out of it every day. Fortunately my real husband can make killer perogies so I guess I'll keep him.
So here is a list of blogs that I follow regularily:
1. Lucy's Soup Can
2. The Domestic Project
3. Smitten Kitchen
4. Definitely Not Martha
5. The Pioneer Woman
6. Lucky By Design
7. Mon Petit Amour
8. Food and Whine
9. The Lovely Paper Blog
10. Santa's Gift Shoppe
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
5 days ago
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