My mother volunteers her time at the Regina Floral Conservatory since she loves plants and flowers. Her yard at my childhood home is fabulous with a million different plants, trees, bushes. I, on the other hand, have a brown thumb. Pretty much everything I plant looks crappy or dies within the month. This is the main reason why Dave and I have decided to get a landscaper in to fix up our yard. We’ve done a lot of work on it ourselves over the last few years but we’ve reached the limit of our abilities and it still looks like an amateur came in and planted some Charlie Brown trees so it’s time to bring in the professionals.
The week before we went to Regina, we met with various landscapers. It was interesting to see the different ideas that they presented. In the end, we picked the guy that we related to the best and who seemed to have the best knowledge about what will work in our yard. After we made our decision, we went out for a drive to take some photos of yards and plant life that we liked so that he could incorporate those ideas into his design.
The work will be done sometime in July here so we have to deal with our current landscaping for a few more weeks yet. I’m looking forward to seeing what can be done with it, though. Looking at some of the more mature areas in Calgary, it was fantastic to see the beautiful trees and yards. I’m hoping that one day my yard will look like that as well. In the meantime, to satisfy my need to see beautiful plants, Isla and I made a little trip over to the Regina Floral Conservatory to see my mom’s work. The plants were gorgeous.
Location: My yard and the Regina Floral Conservatory
Cost: You don’t want to know what we have to pay a landscaper to do the yard. :o)
Gear for Isla: Nothing at all other than a handful of Cheerios to help us get through the meetings with the landscaper uninterrupted.
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
5 days ago
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