Okay, this one you can't bring the kids to but I feel like it makes me a better mother so I thought I would write about it anyway. I'm talking about the spa, and it isn't just any spa....it's the Willow Stream Spa at the Banff Springs Hotel. Let's just stop for a minute here and dream a little bit......oh right, back to this post.
Several years ago Dave bought me a facial at the Banff Springs Spa as a Christmas gift. He came along with me for the day and we both had an amazing time. So amazing that we went back again a few months later and now going to the spa for the day is something that we try to do every six months or so to work out the daily stresses that life throws at us.
It has to be this spa, though. There's something about the castle like feel to the hotel (I have a secret dream of being a princess and owning the entire hotel and spending every day at the spa but so far my royal relatives haven't appeared to tell me that I'm a long lost heiress), the majestic feel to the mountains, the eucalyptus room that can instantly fix any cold, the music that is played under the water in the pool so you can swim and listen to it.....really I could go on and on. Dave tells me that the men's side is pretty nice too with big screen televisions playing sports in their lounge. There's nothing better than reading a good book beside the pool while drinking lemon cucumber water and staring out at the mountains every few minutes. Sigh....did I mention that I want to live here?
Anyway, for the stressed out parent, I would totally recommend it as a quick getaway from the city.
Location: Willow Stream Spa, Banff Springs Hotel, Banff, Alberta
Cost: It all depends on what you want to do there. Remember that you might be able to get some of it covered through your benefits.
Gear for Isla: For us, all we needed were two fabulous babysitters for the day, aka Grandma and Grandpa.
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
5 days ago
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